Wagon Review Group
Page updated on: 07/07/17 at 19:30
On the Web
SVR Wagon Department - Wagon Storage Shed https://svrwagons.wixsite.com/svrwagons/wagon-storage-shed
SVR Wiki Wagon Repair Group https://www.svrwiki.com/Wagon_Review_Group
Following discussions with the Wagon Department in the Summer of 2015, Richard Gunning called an initial meeting of interested parties on to consider forming a group to progress ideas for a wagon shed and associated facilities. The ‘Wagon Review Group’ as it became known, soon whittled down possible options to a proposed shed at the location of the former Foley Park Sidings.
Two of the plan documents have been added here, click on the images to see and zoom.
July 6th 2017
Chris Haynes has published an article on the SVR Wagon Department - Wagon Storage Shed https://svrwagons.wixsite.com/svrwagons/wagon-storage-shed. This article provides a background and more information on the project. It is planned to add photos of the site, demo freights, wagons both ex-works and "matured" and an extract from the plan.
In due course it is envisaged an appeal will be made for funds for this project.