Charitable Trust Future Fund
Page updated on: 30/10/17 at 20:06
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October 30th 2017
If you’re stuck for birthday present ideas…why not follow Phil Swallow’s lead?
Phil, who part-owns locomotive Taw Valley and is a dedicated SVR supporter, asked friends and family to donate to the SVR Charitable Trust’s endowment fund, rather than buy him gifts for his 60th birthday.
Phil says it was easy to set up his own birthday appeal page at www.JustGiving.com and added that helping to secure the long-term future of the Railway is the best present anyone could give him!
With Gift Aid claimable on most of the donations, it’s all added up to a significant contribution to the endowment fund, and the SVR’s future! Thank you to everyone who gave Phil an alternative birthday present.
The current Future Fund total exceeds £1,200,000.
May 26th 2017 - The Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust hits its £1 million jackpot
The Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust has succeeded in meeting a £1 million fundraising challenge, set by The Heritage Lottery Fund. HLF pledged to match every pound donated to the Charitable Trust’s endowment Future Fund, to reach a total of £1 million. The offer was only open until the end of next month (June 2017), but well over a month ahead of the deadline, the Charitable Trust has received the much-anticipated donation that takes the amount raised to the £1million mark.
Reacting to the news, the Charitable Trust’s Chairman Hugh McQuade says:
“We are delighted with this achievement, and have been inspired by the passion and generosity of our supporters. Thanks to the opportunity HLF has given us, we’ve kick-started our endowment Future Fund. With the first £1 million in place, we’re now in a position to make a real commitment to the future of the Railway, to help fund the essential maintenance and restoration work on its rolling stock and infrastructure in the years to come.”
A £400 cheque from SVR supporter Richard Hill tipped the scales so that the £1 million was in place, well before the final deadline. After Gift Aid and HLF match funding, Richard’s donation was boosted to £1,000 for the appeal. Richard, who lives in Bewdley, Worcestershire, has been a volunteer and fundraiser at the SVR for 24 years. He says the long-term aim of the appeal attracted his interest:
“I’m very happy that my money, along with the other donations, is going to be invested in the Charitable Trust’s endowment Future Fund. It will generate income to support all kinds of restoration projects. I see this as helping to secure a viable future for the Railway, and I like the forward thinking behind it. I really believe that since it was established in 2012, the SVR Charitable Trust has been transforming fundraising on the Railway.”
There have been thousands of donations to the appeal since it began in 2014. Some people signed up to give a regular amount on a monthly basis, others chose more unusual ways; one group of friends handed over the remains of their beer kitty after a day out on the Railway, and another supporter raised money by making and selling a valuable model locomotive.
Although the first £1 million is now secured, as Hugh McQuade explains, that’s only the beginning:
“Our ultimate goal is to raise £10 million for the endowment Future Fund, as we believe that would produce enough income to alleviate worries over the Railway’s future. Although the HLF match funding has now reached its limit, we can still claim 25% extra Gift Aid on donations, and I encourage people to continue to donate to the SVR’s future wellbeing.”
April 26th 2017
There are now just nine weeks to go until the end of the Heritage Lottery Fund’s offer to double donations made to the SVR Charitable Trust’s endowment Future Fund. We’re edging ever closer to our target, and we now have £950,000 of the £1 million in place. That leaves us with £25,000 still to find in donations, which will be doubled by HLF, so that we hit that magic £1 million target. As a working member, we know that you care deeply about the future of the Railway. Please would you help us now, to whatever extent you can? With the HLF match funding in place, this really is the best time to make a donation. If you’re a taxpayer we can claim an extra 25% Gift Aid, and HLF will double the total. This is a fantastic opportunity to make every pound count twice, and to build up an endowment fund that is being invested to provide income for the long-term future of the Severn Valley Railway. Additionally, by showing HLF that we can deliver on our promise to raise £1 million, we will send a strong message that the Charitable Trust is a good cause to back. All very helpful at a time when we have another HLF bid under consideration for a further £1 million towards the restoration of Fallings Sands Viaduct! Please use the link on the home page at svrtrust.org.uk to download a donation form. Thank you so much for your support.
Shelagh Paterson Director of Development
Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust
March 29th 2017 - PR: Time is running out to double-your-donation to the Severn Valley Railway
It’s the final countdown for the chance to double donations made to the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust. Their £1million endowment Future Fund appeal is reaching its final stages, and a pledge from the Heritage Lottery Fund to match all donations will end soon.
Under the HLF scheme, the Trust has already raised £450,000 in donations from its supporters, and is determined to secure the final £50,000 before the match funding opportunity expires in June. HLF have agreed to match, pound-for-pound, all donations up to £500,000, allowing a final total of £1million for the SVR Charitable Trust’s endowment fund.
Trust Chairman Hugh McQuade says the race is now on to find the remaining balance:
“When HLF awarded us this opportunity it was an amazing boost to our Charitable Trust, which had only recently been founded. We’ve been humbled by the fantastic way in which our nearest and dearest supporters have rallied round to help secure the long-term future of the SVR.
“But now we want to make a direct appeal to the public. We know there are hundreds of thousands of people who’ve visited our wonderful Railway, and might want to add their support. If you’re one of our 250,000 annual visitors, you’ll have seen for yourself the outstanding experience we offer to people of all ages. As one of the top heritage railways in the UK, we’re a huge asset to the West Midlands region, and we know how much the Railway means to people living here. Every pound we receive until June will be doubled by HLF, so there’s never been a better time to give.”
The SVR Charitable Trust’s endowment Future Fund was set up to help secure a long-term future for the Railway, contributing to essential restoration work on locomotives, carriages and infrastructure, as well as training a new generation of heritage engineers. To double-your-money when you donate to the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust’s endowment fund, please visit svrtrust.org.uk, or phone 01562 757940.
Time is running out to double-your-donation to the Severn Valley Railway
It’s the final countdown for the chance to double donations made to the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust. Their £1million endowment Future Fund appeal is reaching its final stages, and a pledge from the Heritage Lottery Fund to match all donations will end soon.
Under the HLF scheme, the Trust has already raised £450,000 in donations from its supporters, and is determined to secure the final £50,000 before the match funding opportunity expires in June. HLF have agreed to match, pound-for-pound, all donations up to £500,000, allowing a final total of £1million for the SVR Charitable Trust’s endowment fund.
Trust Chairman Hugh McQuade says the race is now on to find the remaining balance:
“When HLF awarded us this opportunity it was an amazing boost to our Charitable Trust, which had only recently been founded. We’ve been humbled by the fantastic way in which our nearest and dearest supporters have rallied round to help secure the long-term future of the SVR.
“But now we want to make a direct appeal to the public. We know there are hundreds of thousands of people who’ve visited our wonderful Railway, and might want to add their support. If you’re one of our 250,000 annual visitors, you’ll have seen for yourself the outstanding experience we offer to people of all ages. As one of the top heritage railways in the UK, we’re a huge asset to the West Midlands region, and we know how much the Railway means to people living here. Every pound we receive until June will be doubled by HLF, so there’s never been a better time to give.”
The SVR Charitable Trust’s endowment Future Fund was set up to help secure a long-term future for the Railway, contributing to essential restoration work on locomotives, carriages and infrastructure, as well as training a new generation of heritage engineers. To double-your-money when you donate to the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust’s endowment fund, please visit svrtrust.org.uk, or phone 01562 757940.
March 22nd 2017
Donations from brake van rides at Highley during the Spring Steam Gala raised a further £1.270.
March 16th 2017
We still need another £65,000 from supporters to maximise this opportunity for match funding.
This Charitable Trust leaflet explains how the Charitable Trust has helped the Railway so far, and on the back is a form to donate to the Future Fund appeal.
Thank you for your support.
Shelagh Paterson Director of Development
Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust
February 23rd 2017
The weeks and months are ticking down to June and the end of our opportunity for match funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, and the Charitable Trust is feeling a growing sense of urgency. Many people have already responded to our appeal for donations to our endowment Future Fund, and we are extremely grateful for their support. However, we still need another £75,000 from supporters to maximise this opportunity for match funding, and to prove to the Heritage Lottery Fund that the SVR Charitable Trust delivers on what it’s promised HLF it will do.
If we can reach that target of £1 million in our Future Fund, we’ll be sending a very strong message to HLF. This really matters because right now HLF are in the process of considering a further application from us for £900,000 to restore the viaduct at Falling Sands.
As a visitor to this website, there’s a very good chance you’re one of the Railway’s stalwart supporters. You’ll understand how important it is to be able to sustain the SVR’s future in the long term, and how a healthy endowment fund will play an increasingly significant role in achieving this.
So, if you haven’t already done so, please will you donate now to our endowment Future Fund? No matter how small or large your donation, it will help us reach our target. So far, we’ve received donations from £10 to £10,000! HLF will, of course, double every donation we receive, including 25% Gift Aid for taxpayers. In this way, a £50 gift from you, with Gift Aid added, will become worth £125 to the Railway.
Please download a donation form. Your gift will help preserve and secure the future of this wonderful piece of living history – the Severn Valley Railway - for generations to come. You can also find more information at svrtrust.org.uk.
Thank you for your support.
Shelagh Paterson Director of Development
Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust
February 23rd Press Release
Severn Valley Railway reaches out to heritage rail enthusiasts
The Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust is appealing to members of the wider heritage rail community for support as it reaches the final stages of a bid to raise £1million for its endowment fund. The Trust is determined to make the most of a time-limited opportunity from the Heritage Lottery Fund to double the donations it receives.
Over the past few years, the Trust has succeeded in raising £425,000 in donations from its closest supporters, and is working hard to secure the final £75,000 before the match funding opportunity expires in June this year. HLF have agreed to match, pound-for-pound, all donations up to £500,000, allowing a final total of £1million for the SVR Charitable Trust’s endowment fund.
Trust Chairman Hugh McQuade says the race is now on to find the remaining balance:
“When we were awarded this opportunity by HLF in 2014 it was an amazing boost to our Charitable Trust, which had only been founded the previous year. We’ve been humbled by the fantastic way in which our nearest and dearest supporters have rallied round to help secure the long-term future of the SVR.
“But now we want to make a direct appeal to the wider movement of heritage rail enthusiasts, many of whom will be very familiar with the outstanding experience the SVR offers. We hope that you’ll understand why we need your investment in the SVR, one of the UK’s leading heritage railways. We welcome donations of all sizes, and we’re urging heritage rail enthusiasts to act quickly so they can benefit from the generous HLF money-doubling opportunity.”
To double-your-money when you donate to the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust’s endowment fund, please visit svrtrust.org.uk, or phone 01562 757940.
Endowment Future Fund donation form
Who to contact about this story
Shelagh Paterson