Bridgnorth Project - another way to give your support
Page updated on: 28/11/17 at 19:59
November 28th 2017
Donations continue to build up in the SVR Charitable Trust's ring-fenced fund in support of the Bridgnorth Development project. So far, £83,000 has now been received for the project, including £18,000 that has been restricted to restoring the Bristol Bath Road turntable at the station.
November 3rd 2017
In addition to Share Offer receipts the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust has raised a further £60k (in total) for the Bridgnorth Development Project, taking the total to almost £2.6m.
You can still support this ground-breaking project by donating to the Bridgnorth Development fund via the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust. If you are a taxpayer the Trust can usually claim a further 25% Gift Aid on your donation at no extra cost to you. Please visit http://svrtrust.org.uk/our-projects/bridgnorth-development-project.html for to download a Bridgnorth donation form, or to make an online donation. If you would like any further information, please contact us on 01562 757940 or email fundraising@svrtrust.org.uk.
By doing so, you can still play a vital role in preserving our past and protecting our unique heritage for future generations at our line's destination station. Thank you.
Clare Gibbard Marketing & Communications Manager
October 31st 2017
The ‘Building for the future’ Share Offer closed on October 31st 2017 having raised over £2.5 million towards the biggest development project in our history. A very big thank you to everyone who has supported the SVR. You can still support this ground-breaking project by donating to the Bridgnorth Development fund via the Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust.
February 23rd 2017
Over the past few months, donations have been arriving thick and fast at the Charitable Trust office for the ambitious £5 million Bridgnorth project. To date more than £28,000 has been raised through this channel.
It’s a good way to add a contribution to the project, if for whatever reason you don’t want to buy further shares in the latest Share Offer, or you don’t wish to make the minimum purchase of £100 of shares.
Donating to Bridgnorth through the Trust is also an attractive option if you’re a tax payer, because the Trust can claim 25% extra Gift Aid on your behalf, at no further cost to you.
And if you don’t want to make the minimum purchase of £100 for the share offer, this is an alternative way of supporting the Bridgnorth project.
Please donate online or download a Bridgnorth donation form to add your contribution. If you would like any further information, please contact us on 01562 757940 or email fundraising@svrtrust.org.uk.
Shelagh Paterson Director of Development
Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust
November 23rd 2016
The redevelopment of Bridgnorth Station is the SVR’s most ambitious project to date, and will require £5 million to complete. If you don’t want to make the minimum stipulated purchase of £100, or are already a shareholder and don’t wish to buy any more, the good news is that you can still help the Railway.
Making a donation to the Bridgnorth Project through the Charitable Trust is a very efficient way of adding your support. Please download a Bridgnorth donation form to complete and return to the Trust. If you are a taxpayer, the Trust can usually claim a further 25% on top of your donation at no extra cost to you.
If you would like any further information on making a donation to the Bridgnorth Project through the Charitable Trust, please contact us on 01562 757940 or email fundraising@svrtrust.org.uk.
Shelagh Paterson Director of Development
Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust
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Who to contact about this story
Shelagh Paterson