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SE&CR Open Wagon 12522

Page updated on: 01/10/17 at 14:39



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Vehicle history

This ex-South East and Chatham Railway Open Goods Wagon was built at Ashford, Kent in 1920. Many wagons of this period were wooden-framed, but this example had steel chassis members. As a result it had a long working life, passing to the SR at Grouping in 1923, and to BR post-War. It was later sold to the Port of Bristol Authority, and finally purchased for preservation in 1975. After being stored for 13 years it arrived on the SVR in January 1988.


October 1st 2017

SE&CR Open 12522 has had some more planks removed and two of the corner plates repaired. This wagon will have all new timber. Images added.

SVR Wagons Facebook


September 17th 2017

Now WD 55577 is now the other side of the fence waiting for her moment of glory in the Autumn gala, and with 143 in the shed, the SECR open has finally properly entered the works, having been moved outside the shed for work to commence in the summer of 2017.

She is getting new kerb rails (which are only short on this wagon) and new timber, along with a general clean down and re-paint. This wagon was one of the last of the pre-grouping vehicles constructed, not being built until 1922, however her open spoked wheels and SECR pull out keep axle boxes make her look like a much older design.
Talking of the axle boxes, these have an awkward Achilles heel, as the keeps don't simply drop away when un-bolted, as per the GWR/RCH desigh, instead they slide in / out like a draw. The problem with this is that if you are not careful, when you carry out a pad exam and pull the keeps out, on pushing them back in, it is very easy to catch the top of the pad on the journal, causing the pad to simply roll up, leaving the journal with no lubrication and causing a hot box, great care is therefor needed when putting the keeps back in.

It has had the curb rails temporarily fitted and the corner plates removed. It turned out the plates were worse than thought, so 3" was cut off the edge of each one and 3" strips were made to be welded back on and drilled.

National Preservation Forum and G Phillips

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