Kidderminster Town Station
Staff Portal
Gateway to the Severn Valley Railway
Kidderminster Town Online Roster:
The online roster is the new roster which the Station Management team will be relying on. What this means is that any names that are put down on the paper roster are entered into this roster and vice versa. Allowing for a more accurate representation on the staffing levels on a particular day.
Entering/removing names: Find the appropriate box you wish to enter/remove a name from, then DOUBLE CLICK the box, once you have done this, a little cursor should have appeared. Simply remove the appropriate name, or just add your own name onto the end of list of names in that box. Then just click away (An empty space on the website will do), the box should've deselected itself and the roster will have automatically saved.
What about another month? In time, the roster will have more than one month available. In order to switch between months (and special events), just scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the relevant month.
Page Navigation: If it looks like there isn't anymore space on a day, or you want to see how many members of staff are at the station on a given day, scroll to the bottom of the page and then use the small scroll bar within the roster to scroll left and right
Number of Staff Colour Codes:
Red - Not enough Staff
Yellow - Minimal amount of staff
Green - Above minimal
Unfortunately, the Online Roster cannot be viewed on a mobile device through this website. If you wish to have access to the Online Roster from a mobile device, please contact us on the "Contact Us" page and use the feedback box to request access. All requests will be processed within 2 days and instructions will be sent to your email address.