Getting Access to SVRLive
What is SVRLive?
‘SVRLive’ is the railway’s 'cloud-based' information system. It features a world-class email system, a comprehensive intranet facility, and many other collaboration features. It can be accessed from anywhere in the world, using a wide range of devices. The system can only be accessed with a user ID and password.
SVRLive Email
Your logon ID is also your email address, and will be of the form firstname.lastname@svrlive.com. The email facility has a web front-end, but can also be accessed from Microsoft Outlook, other commercial email software, smartphone and tablet computer. This is an open system, which you can use to send email generally (i.e. you can use your SVR mailbox to send your personal emails if you want).
This is the railway's intranet, and contains information which is applicable to staff only. Your user ID determines what you can see and do on the site.
The facilities are limited at the moment but we are working hard at developing the site and there will be lots of changes over the next few months.
At the moment, you can:
Access the ‘Corporate Documents’ library. Because of its sensitive content access to this is strictly controlled.
Access the ‘Notice Board Issues’ library. All NBIs issued by the railway are stored here.
Access the ‘Master Forms’ library. We intend to make all company forms available here eventually for download.
Access the ‘Operations Resources’ library. This contains Traffic Notices, Working Timetables, department rosters and other useful documents which are available for download.
Access the ‘Master Diary’. This has all the information on the railway's operation and the information it holds is presented in a variety of forms. You can produce and print off a traffic notice for any date you specify, for instance.
Access the standard timetables. These can be viewed online, printed, or downloaded.
Navigate to sub-sites. Which subsites you can access will depend on your user ID, and which departments you work for.
Access the SVR's video portal.
Microsoft Teams
This is an instant messaging and online conferencing facility.
The client software needs to be installed on your computer, or laptop. There are mobile versions for phones and tablets. This also exposes 'presence' information all over the the system, so you can see when your colleagues are online.
See this document on how to get access to Teams:
Important Information...
The information displayed on the ‘Operations’ page of this site is limited in its scope. Confidential information has been removed, for example. It is therefore unwise to depend on this page when seeking information regarding your next duty turn on the railway.
Full information is available on the company’s intranet site (svronline.sharepoint.com), for which a logon ID and password are required to gain access. Please use the form below to request access to this system.
Information on the intranet is continually and promptly updated, as opposed to the information on this site, which is normally updated on a Wednesday for the forthcoming week, commending on a Saturday. Loco allocations are normally added on Friday. Short notice information will be provided on the intranet, but may not be provided on this site because of time constraints.
For complete, timely information about the railway’s operations, please complete the form below and I.T. Support will send you details on how to access the private system.
How to request access
You must be a working member to access the 'SVRLive' cloud system.
Firstly, complete the form below. In the message box, let us know your ‘parent’ department, and what role(s) you perform on the railway. Also, please give us your membership number if possible.
We'll check you against the working member's database, and send you joining instructions.
We aim to process access requests within 24 hours of receiving your information.