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Engine House Shunt...20th June 2018...Click here for live updates.


Coverage will be available from around 8:00 a.m. across most of our internet platforms: SnapChat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, as well as this website.


The purpose of this day is the removal from the Engine House of Loco 48773 and it's transport to Kidderminster. In its place Loco 4566 & 5764 will be placed into the Engine House.


The majority of shunting will be taking place on the ‘front road’ with only the swap of locos taking place on the back road if time permits. A proposed plan of shunting is detailed below.

The current line up of Locomotives from the Engine House Door inwards is: 46443, Highley Mining Co. Wagon, 686, 48773.


Initial moves:

  • The Class 33 will leave Kidderminster at around 8:00 towing 5764.

  • The Class 09 will leave second with 4566 in tow.

  • On arrival the Classs 33 will run round and propel 5764 into the headshunt, then stand clear in Siding No.2.

  • On arrival the Class 09 will run round and propel 4566 into the headshunt, then move to the EH House spur.


The shunt plan for the day:

  1. Cl09 to draw 46443 & Highley Mining Co. Wagon from EH to No.2 Siding. (33 to move to allow this).

  2. Cl09 via North end through o.1 Siding to EH, attach to 686, draw from EH via No.1 Siding and SB into No.2 Siding.

  3. Cl09 via north end through No.1 Siding to the EH, attach to 48773 and draw into No.1 Siding.

  4. Cl33 from No.2 Siding to No.1 Siding and attach to 48773.

  5. Cl09 No.1 Siding to No.2 Siding via North end.

  6. Cl33 propel 4873 to headshunt, attach to 4566 and draw back into No.1 Siding & detach 4566.

  7. Cl09 No.2 Siding to No.1 Siding via North end.

  8. Cl33 & 48773 to depart to Kidderminster CS when convenient path is available. 

  9. Cl09 to propel 4566 No.1 Siding to EH.

  10. Cl09 to return to headshunt and attach to 5764, haul back to No.1 Siding.

  11. When convenient run round via Main.

  12. Cl09 propel 5764 No.1 Siding to EH.

  13. Cl09 L/E EH to No.2 Siding via No.1 Siding.

  14. Cl09 to shunt 686 from No.2 Siding to EH via No.1 Siding.

  15. Clo09 to return to No.2 Siding via No.1 siding.

  16. Cl09 to propel 46443 & Highley Mining Co. Wagon from No.2 Siding to EH.

  17. Cl09 to move EH Front Road to EH back road.

  18. Cl09 to shunt 47383 from EH to No.2 Siding.

  19. Cl09 from No.2 Siding to EH via No.1 Siding.

  20. Cl09 to shunt 45110 from EH to No.1 Siding.

  21. Cl09 to move from No.1 Siding to No.2 Siding.

  22. Cl09 to shunt 47383 from No.2 Siding to EH.

  23. Cl09 to move to Siding No.1 via No.2 and attach to 45110.

  24. Cl09 to propel 45110 from No.1 Siding to EH.


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