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SVR-based Diesel Hydraulics

Page updated on: 14/03/18



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March 14th 2018 - D1013 'Western Ranger' and D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

D1062 is returned to her bogie. Following the roll out of the bogie an inspection of the Cardan Shafts was carried out. Unfortunately one of the shafts has excessive play in the splines and will need replacing. The WLA are seeking funds for a replacement, if you are able to donate please see

Next, work will begin on the second bogie equalising beam replacement.

On D1013 the overhaul is ongoing and the rewire and termination of the cables is nearing completion. Components are being refitted but there is still much to do. Both engines need a top end overhaul and the WLA will have to lift D1013 as well. The WLA is cautiously optimistic that an engine might be started up towards the end of the year to test the electrics. Some jobs end up taking longer than planned and so put things back, but it is possible that sometime in 2019 we might see Ranger back. 


March 10th 2018 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

The culmination of a great deal of planning has finally come to fruition. Courier has been lifted and the "A" End Bogie rolled out. Work has already started on cleaning, also the springs from the leading end have been removed. An update and gallery have been added at


February 25th 2018 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

More work was carried out at Kidderminster on Courier today. After the Timing Pointer was positioned last weekend the final Cylinder Head could be fitted. This went well until we tried to fit the last bolt, which kept jamming on the thread. Off came the Cylinder Head once again and the bolthole re-tapped, not the easiest of tasks as a bit of improvisation was required. The Head was re-fitted and all the bolts torqued down once that Cam Gearwheel assembly was fitted. The Heads will be Re-Torqued in the coming week once they’ve had chance to settle. The Cam Drive Gearwheel on the 7 – 12 Bank was also adjusted. Courier has also been readied for the lift that's to happen in a couple of week’s time and placed on the Jacks. This is a huge step forward to finally being able to carry out the Bogie Life Extension Work. Although we’ve planned for many specific job on the Bogies, we may find additional work once the Loco’s lifted.

WLA website


December 8th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

Work in Kidderminster TMD has involved disconnecting many items ready for the lift to attend to the bogie. These include the sandpipes, handbrake link, speedo drive, bogie brake pipes and AWS cable. The air reservoirs were dropped and locking nuts for the secondary suspension loosened and split pins removed. Then the vestibule floor at "A" End was removed.
Work was also carried out on the old "B" Engine in readiness for transplanting the part on to the new unit. This included the cleaning of the "B" End Engine Bay (image added).
Further work entailed loosening of the main output shafts, removing two of the four lateral dampers and ensuring that the thrust pad brackets can be freed. The opportunity was taken to remove one of the brackets and have an inspection of the pads then refit as a trial run. We learnt a lot, agreeing that additional tooling will assist with the job when we carry out the lift in the future.

Meanwhile at Bridgnorth the two pistons that needed refitting were put back in their rightful place, this is the block that's destined for 62.

D Shelmerdine


November 25th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

With Courier in the Kidderminster Diesel Depot for winter maintenance the next step work quickly moved to measuring the body and bogie heights. It was important to get this done as soon as possible prior to removing "B" end engine and the WLA required the loco weighted to take the measurements. The engine has a suspected leaking cylinder liner. The engine has has various leaks over recent years and so the decision was taken to take it out and change the engine.
Much of the engine has been disconnect over the past weeks at Bridgnorth. Since arriving at Kidderminster the "B" end engine room roof panels, engine to transmission carden shaft and air filter boxes have all been removed. The engine was removed on November 25th.

Work will next concentrate on the Body Lift.
S Cooper and D Shelmerdine


November 18th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

D1062 is scheduled to depart Bridgnorth today at 10:05 bound for Kidderminster with an ECS move. Courier will then take up position in the shed ready for the winter maintenance. This includes "B" end engine change and bogie life extension work. There will be other work carried out on top of these projects.

D Shelmerdine


November 15th 2017 

Jeff Atkins has added an image of the Hymek on the way back with metalwork added. 

In addition D1062 is due to move down to Kidderminster this weekend for winter work in the diesel depot.


October 22nd 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

Thoughts are turning to winter maintenance work to prepare Angus for a full season of running in 2018, complicated by her being the standby locomotive at Bridgnorth until the end of the running season in early January and the consequent need for her to be serviceable until then. After that, there’s a plan to arrange a working party to do certain mechanical jobs and exhaust repairs.

In the meantime the owning group plan to carry out other work as time and availability allow. A short test trip was made to Highley to get the system hot. A small leak between the head and the block (this is a different head to the one that was sorted at the East Lancs.) will require the roof section to be removed to allow better access and ease visibility to check for any other small leaks. 

Gary Williams, Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Group


October 14th 2017 - D821 'Greyhound' - Class 42

D821 Warship Greyhound was started today for the first time in a few years. One engine started at roughly 15:35 and the other was started about 16:25. Both took a little while to warm up but once warm where purring along nicely. The loco isn't quite ready to enter traffic just yet still a fair amount of stuff to be done on it. The future is looking bright though as once both engines where started they both ran for about an hour with small run up tests, the loco takes power and was driven into the shed and shut down.

A great day for the Diesel Traction Group.

Duncan Sealey, Severn Valley Diesels Facebook


October 9th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

Western Courier will start to undergo her winter maintenance at Bridgnorth before returning to Kidderminster for the intended bogie work. This winter could see the WLA's most ambitious programme of winter maintenance to date only made possible by the investment made in the Kidderminster Diesel TMD. Image added

D Shelmerdine


September 4th 2017 - D821 'Greyhound' - Class 42

D821 returned to the SVR for the first time in three years in a convoy from the open day at OOC.


September 3rd 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

D9551 moved for the first time on September 2nd under its own power at ELR after full engine rebuild and other repairs 

Gary Williams, Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Group


August 20th 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

On August 5th D9551’s engine was refitted with refurbished engine mounts and injectors and a replacement refurbished heat exchanger. It was started up on August 19th thanks to Chris Bailey and the team, it has gone a lot better than expected but still a bit to do before it is home and it is not out the woods yet.

D9551 had earlier failed at the SVR with fault reversing relay fault before going to the East Lancashire Railway for its ‘Small Engine Gala’. After repairing the fault, it ran for a few days but it was obvious that there were issues that a railway with a more demanding route made more obvious. It was failed after the loco displayed that it was using quite a lot of engine oil, which was the main reason for taking the engine out.

Chris Baily and his team agreed with the Severn Valley Class 14 Group that to get the loco back running as soon as possible it should remain at the East Lancs. and the team there would remove the engine and rebuild the engine from the bottom up with reconditioned parts.

When stripped down it was discovered that there were four broken engine oil control rings and they had all been fitted incorrectly in the first place! While the engine was out other work was undertaken including engine mounts to remove the terrible vibrations which wasn't doing the engine any good, changed some old water pipes and relagged the exhaust with new titanium heat proof lagging. The engine bay was jet washed to make the job a little cleaner. This has used parts from Chris' and others’ collections of spares that will need to be replaced.

They had found a large quantity of water inside the transmission and, after draining it on and running it for ten minutes, found more water so it was obvious that the exchanger needed replacing, which has been done.  Previously the top seal between cylinder liner and engine block was sealed up with K-Seal, the repairs have allowed them to repair this and now it is running without any K-Seal, so that is better for the engine.

To bring things in to perspective it has been estimated that so far 204 man hours have been put into the rebuild and refurbishment of the engine and other jobs. Were that to have been done at the SVR it would have taken a long time to get the loco back into service. The engine has only been out for two months so it was the sensible choice. It will have some more jobs done on it before it has a few days running in then, if successful, it will run on the East Lancs. gala in September and return to the SVR in early October.

Gary Williams, Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Group


August 6th 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

D9551's engine has been refitted at Bury with refurbished engine mounts and injectors also a replacement refurbished heat exchanger thanks to the ELR for the hospitality and excellent work done. 

Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


July 23rd 2017 

D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

This weekend saw the removal of cylinder heads number 8 & 9 on A end engine to change the thickness of the iron ring that makes the seal between the liner and the head. By 10 o'clock the rops & sops box was off, the fuel rail, injectors out and cambox off! By 12 o'clock both cylinder heads where off and on the bench. A first for the WLA and wouldn't of previously been possible without the Diesel maintenance depot to of do the work in so little time and whilst it was raining! Then by 2 o'clock both head were back on and locked down. And by 4 o'clock then cambox was dropped back on.

WLA Facebook


D9551 - Class 14

As stated below, this loco is at the East Lancashire Railway where engine work is being carried out. Both banks of pistons have been cleaned up and refitted following four broken oil control rings and correctly fitting the oil scrapper rings had previously been fitted upside down.

Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


July 17th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

As the original Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs) are getting more difficult to service and repair, a more modern type needs to be tried. The first electronic AVR, a Noel Craigen design, was tested on D1062 on Saturday. The test, which required a combination of one and two engines running at with various engine speeds, was successful. Later in the year it will be wired in temporarily for more tests on running days. The Western Locomotive Association are just testing one electronic AVR at 'B' end with a traditional AVR at 'A' end. They are looking at purchasing a second electronic AVR in the future to try two of those working together.
Courier was stabled back on the Turntable on Sunday ready for her second week of running days.

Darren Shelmerdine


July 13th 2017- Class 35 'Hymek' D7029

Two images from Jeff Atkins added of D7029, showing the rotten cabside removed ready for new steel and new cab base welded into place.


July 9th 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

This loco is at the East Lancashire Railway where engine work is being carried out overseen by Class 14 members based there but with work from SVR-based members too. Issues came to light at their ‘Small Engines’ gala. The engine was burning and using oil quite drastically, plus A3 liner too seal was leaking coolant. All pistons and liners have been removed, and the team found two broken oil control piston rings. ‘A’ and ‘B’ liners went back in on July 8th with new liner seals and sealant. The team also realised that on its last rebuild the bottom half of every oil scrapper rings had been fitted upside down, which meant there was too much oil being left on the cylinder bores.

Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


July 3rd 2017- Class 35 'Hymek' D7029

Three images from Jeff Atkins added of D7029, showing new cabside and corner welded into place.


June 18th 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

D9551 suffered a transmission heat exchanger issue whilst at the East Lancashire Railway, and images on social media show the engine being removed at Bury. The use of 9551 has highlighted that it needs further work to make it more reliable, it is easier for the Group for this to be done at Bury than it is at the SVR. They expect it will be back to full health soon after many hours of hard graft.

Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


June 2nd 2017 - D1015 'Western Champion' - Class 52

(The Diesel Traction Group's locomotive, previously a regular visitor, was listed as a 'Home Fleet' engine in the Diesel Festival brochure and so will feature in these notes. It is operational on one engine and will require a replacement engine in due course.)

D1015 suffered a blowing head joint suffered at the Mixed Traction Day. Repairs will not be complete for running on Saturday June 3rd and visitor D8568, also owned by the DTG, will deputise.

Matt Robinson


May 30th 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

D9551 entered service over the Diesel Festival and on service trains the following week with visiting Class 17 D8568. A small setback occurred last weekend due to a pinhole in one of the coolant pipes, resolved by volunteers removing and fitting new flexible hoses to remove this problem, and lining the pipe with rubber to prevent this happening again. Sadly on Bank Holiday Monday (May 29th) D9551 had a failed reversing relay, so was not able to run. D8568 ran the turn solo. 

Gary Williams, Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


April 27th 2017 - D821 'Greyhound' - Class 42

John Ward took the added image of D821 on the jacks at Old Oak Common. It is seen in a private location, please do not trespass. Used with permission. There is an open day at OOC in September.


April 24th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

The WLA has thanked Mick Flint and his small group of helpers for doing such a great job to D1062's paint work. He gave up annual leave, evenings and weekends to complete the job. An image from Matt Robinson of Courier in  'Laira blue' has been added.


D9551 - Class 14

A further test trip was run on April 18th hauling freight wagons, an image by Jeff Atkins has been added.  The loco performed well but needed nursing at times, as expected with a locomotive that has seen little use since the 1990s.


April 16th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

62's bogie frames are sporting a gloss black finish in Kidderminster Diesel Depot. WLA volunteers completed all of the 'B1' Exam underframe jobs which identified a potential problem with one of the intermediate cardan shafts on 'B' bogie where the spline grease seal retaining ring had run back off the shaft depositing most of the grease on top of no.2 final drive. Due to its inaccessibility and following lots of trial and error, they managed to secure the ring back onto the shaft with enough force to compress the grease seal, then charged the splined joint with new grease. The components have been match marked so they will be able to identify any further movement during the season. Most of the exam has been completed now with electrical checks to do and the run-up and system testing to complete the job.

Robin Jones


April 8th 2017 - Class 35 'Hymek' D7029

Two images added showing bodywork repairs, large sections of corroded bodywork are being removed and cab stripped.

Jeff Atkins


March 29th, 30th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

Photos of the recent welding work carried out on D1062 have been added. The main job was to re-plate below the Driver's Side Marker Light on "B" End. This is an area known to rot on Westerns. Also the split was welded up below "B" Secondman’s side handrail. Attention was also given to a self-tapper that broke during the removal of the kick-plates at "A" End Drivers side, this was drilled out welded up and re-drilled to the correct size ready for when the plates are refitted. The work has been carried out to a very high standard by a contractor.
The painting has started this week, image added March 30th.

Darren Shelmerdine


March 25th 2017 - D1013 'Western Ranger' and D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

The WLA has introduced a new maintenance schedule aligned to main line operator standard, which ensures that all systems are maintained at regular intervals over a four year cycle. There has been lots of progress with the B1 Balanced Exam, including underframe inspections and wheel gauging.

On D1013 progress has been made. The last electrical frame (No:1 frame A end) is fitted, as are wiring looms over the transmissions. Expired batteries have been prepared for removal, and corroded air pipes remove prior to renewal.

Robin Jones and Russell Targett


March 24th 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

D9551 is receiving finishing touches at Bridgnorth before it enters service shortly. You'll be able to catch our newest member of the loco fleet at our Spring Diesel Festival in May. Image added.


March 15th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

B End Cooler Group has been welded and a new drain tap fitted. This is a modification to help drain off the coolant during the winter months. The area has been cleaned and new gaskets fitted ready for the refitting of the elements.
B End Engine is almost back together. The engine has been timed and injectors fitted.
All the body side furniture has been removed with much of the filling and flatting back completed. The rest of the flatting back should be completed next week. During the prep some rot has been discovered, this will be attached to with new metal where required before the main painting starts. Some small sections have received some undercoat.

Darren Shelmerdine


March 10th 2017 

D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

Following a vote for the next livery on D1062, the Western Locomotive Association confirms that blue with full yellow ends has been chosen. Initial bodywork has started and it’s hoped to have the repaint completed in time for the Severn Valley Railway Diesel Gala in May. D1062 was last in blue when bought by the WLA in 1976. Courier was then painted in maroon at Swindon before its first preservation run at the Paignton and Dartmouth Railway in 1977 then onto the Severn Valley Railway in 1978 and has had variations of the maroon livery since. The latest repaint should be representative of its last British Rail repaint that took place at Laira in 1973. Watch out for updates over the next few weeks. There’ll also be a further announcement confirming when D1062 first run in blue since Preservation will happen.

Darren Shelmerdine


D9551 - Class 14

A few images have appeared on the Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group (SVRLive doesn't have permission to use the images) of the loco with nearly completed paintwork, with the BR transfer in place.

As posted on the SVR locos on tour news item, D9551 is to visit the East Lancashire Railway in Bury for their small engines weekend on June 3rd and 4th. 

February 26th 2017 - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

WLA volunteers stripped down 1062's no.8 axle box at Kidderminster Diesel Depot yesterday in order to examine the bearing race and components for further deterioration, pending a planned locomotive lift on the new TMD jacks at the end of the year. Fortunately, they were able to give the bogie a good bill of health which will ensure that 62 is good to go this season after completion of engine repairs, its 'B' Exam and repaint. A further bearing strip is likely mid-season just to make sure things remain in good shape.

Robin Jones


February 25th 2017 - D1013 'Western Ranger' - Class 52

40 years ago today, D1013 was out with D1023 working on the mainline for the last time on a BR passenger train. Today (and yesterday) D1013 wasn't quite so active, but work was still going on inside the loco. This included wiring up "A" cab fuel transfer and engine start isolating switches to their respective looms, and fitting and routing the looms to the frames under the cab desk. Painting and fitting more cooling system pipes at "B" end, painting Serck system pipes for "B" end cooler group, fitting the forward and reverse air receiver at "B" end, making up and fitting the conduit for the forward and reverse / fill valve wiring looms at "A" end transmission and pulling in the forward and reverse / fill valve wiring looms at "B" end transmission, fitting priming valves for "A" and "B" preheaters, and "fettling" the cab desk wood strips. A good bit of progress even if it was a bit physically challenging for some of the older working members!

Roger Fry


February 20th 2017 - Class 35 'Hymek' D7029

Two images added showing bodywork repairs, large sections of corroded bodywork are being removed and replaced/rewelded.

Jeff Atkins


February 19th 2017

D9551 - Class 14

It has been necessary to cut and weld new plates in place behind where the battery box goes as the old plate was rotten, but it still proved difficult to remove. Also necessary was building the battery box and fitting new fastenings.

Vents have been repaired and modified. Class 14's propensity to overheat is they draw 60 degree heat from the engine compartment and also oil mist that clogs the fins up, so it is against it when working hard. A modification borrowed from the East Lancashire Railway is to block off the engine compartment so the fan only draws outside air to flow through the radiators.

The locomotive is in the paintshop with Mick Flint working hard preparing it for painting after huge amounts of paintwork by the team.

Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

A start has been made on A engine's oil change with around 40 gal of oil being drained so far. More body work is underway: D1062 and D1015 swapped roads so that 62 can make use of the pit for an exam and a welding job has been done on B end cooler group. Thanks to the diesel lads at Kidderminster for their assistance with some of the tasks.

Mike Cooper


January 15th 2017 - D1013 'Western Ranger' and D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

Two updates from the WLA on January 14th.  They removed and replaced a liner on D1062 at Kidderminster with the piston still attached, believed to be a first. They first made a collar and pulled it over the piston to compress the rings, then slipped the liner on while pushing the collar down onto the bottom. The collar was made to be split so they could get it out the hatch. Images added to the gallery from Jack Walker.

On D1013 Western Ranger was more wiring into the switches, but they are unable to go further until they do the formica on the desks. The Serck tank is now in undercoat. Lots done and lots more to do but they are getting there.

Jack Walker, Lynn Jones on WLA Facebook


January 9th 2017 - D9551 - Class 14

More very good progress reported by Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Company Limited. All six cylinder heads have been removed and jet washed all faces, cleaned ready for refitting. Wheels and rods have been cleaned and polished and the buffer beam so readied for repainting. More progress also on the painting of the tool and horn boxes, behind the header tank and cabside handrails.

Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


January 5th 2017 - D1015 'Western Champion' - Class 52

D1015 Western Champion completed the Scarborough railtour on 'A' Engine only, due to a suspected serious fault with 'B' Engine. Unfortunately, on further inspection, it has been decided that 'B' Engine needs to be replaced before D1015 can commit to any further mainline running.

To ensure that D1015 avoids a protracted lay off the owners, DTG Limited, have approached a company in Germany with a view to a replacement within months rather than years. An estimated cost of around £50,000 has been provided. To enable D1015 to continue on the mainline the DTG is now requesting

  • Donations, however small; or

  • Share purchases in DTG Limited, any amount over £1,000 will automatically buy shares. Please note the minimum shareholding is £1,000 (10 shares of £100).

Payments can be made via internet banking or cheque. The DTG anticipates that if you are interested in becoming a shareholder then payment by instalments will be possible. If you are able to help, either through a donation or the purchase of shares, then please contact



December 19th 2016 - D1015 'Western Champion' - Class 52

D1015 yesterday completed the mainline tour successfully. Travelling engineers rectified an electrical problem in the morning.On the return from Scarborough D1015 experienced a problem with B engine. Initial assessments were that this was serious enough to withdraw the loco from traffic. However in the cold light of day and after some reflection it is now felt that we should wait until the Loco returns to the Severn Valley and a full and thorough inspection of the problem is undertaken by the DTG Engineering Staff. Further news will be posted after this inspection has taken place. As things stand today the loco is still available for all previously advertised railtour duties until notified otherwise. 

DTG website (item edited)


D1013 'Western Ranger- Class 52

The driver's desk fault lights are now complete for "A" end cab and "B" end fault lights just require painting of the lamp case & hood assemblies. The rather grubby equipment is quite representative of the condition of most of the electrical equipment under D1013's desks by 2009, when she was withdrawn from traffic.

Roger Fry, WLA Facebook 'Closed' Group


December 14th 2016 - D1013 'Western Ranger' and D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

The WLA has purchased new Bogie Cardan Shafts from GKN. The shafts will be delivered for safe storage and are destined for use on the spare bogie once overhauled. The purchase has been a learning process and will help as the bogie overhaul project gets into full swing.

This purchase represents one of the biggest single purchases the WLA has made and many thanks to WLA members and contributors for their help in funding this project. If you are able to donate towards the shafts, bogie overhaul or any of the WLA's projects please look at the website for details.

Image added to the gallery.

Darren Shelmerdine, WLA Facebook 'Closed' Group


December 13th 2016 - D1015 'Western Champion' - Class 52

The welder has spent the past couple of months worth of weekends cutting out rotten metal and replacing it. There has been some temporary patch painting carried out for this Saturday's Scarborough railtour. The loco was towed out of the depot later by the 09 and fired up. A final wash and brush up is due Friday to remove the large settlement of dust from the bodyside and bogies. 

SVRLive doesn't have permission to use the photos which can be seen here 

Matt Robinson, SVR Diesels Facebook


December 11th - D1013 'Western Ranger' and D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

A post on the SVR Facebook page relates how 10 volunteers at Bridgnorth over a two-day period have rebuilt spare parts into eight usable spare fault light assemblies.


December 11th 2016 - D9551 - Class 14

The last two weeks has seen the roof section painted and lagged and refitted brackets all drilled and fitted. To follow is the massive task of fitting all the tiny screws to secure the peg board then etch prime supports and get it all painted.

Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


December 5th - D1013 'Western Ranger' and D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

The Group remoced a cambox from D1062's B engine at Kidderminster TMD, to allow a cylinder liner change, The cambox is stripped and the ejectors are out. Also, one of D1013's cooler groups has arrived back after overall

WLA Facebook 'Closed' Group


November 29th 2016 - D7029 - Class 35

Overhauled cooler group (currently minus elements which are away for recoring) have moved from the storage shed into the diesel depot to be dropped into the loco.

Matt Robinson, SVR Diesels Facebook


November 22nd 2016 - D1015 'Western Champion' - Class 52

On November 17th Masterpiece Models visited Kidderminster to allow them to laser scan D1015 for their upcoming super detailed O gauge model. For full details and images of the day, please click here. 

DTG website November 18th


D1013 'Western Ranger' - Class 52

Serious progress with the overhaul, cooler groups are returning from the Kidderminster TMD for reuniting with the locomotive.  

WLA website


November 19th 2016 - D9551 - Class 14

The last three weeks has seen the old battery box and old panels that were rotted through removed and the old plate used as a template. The area around has been needle gunned and painted, and new panels and battery box made, painted and refitted. 

Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group


November 12th - D1013 'Western Ranger' - Class 52

The Serck pump for the B end of 1013 now back together after sorting a minor oil leak.


November 11th - D1062 'Western Courier' - Class 52

Winter repairs and maintenance has started on D1062. Following on from draining down she has seen the removal of some "B" End cooler group elements in order to repair the header tank that sprung a leak earlier this year.

WLA Facebook.


November 5th - D1013 'Western Ranger' - Class 52

The WLA website has an image of her cooler groups in the paintshop


October 29th 2016 - D9551 - Class 14

See the working timetable. On October 30th she is:

Light engine from Bridgnorth dep. 0920 Kidderminster arr. 1014

Working the Siphons from Kidderminster dep. 1100 to Arley arr. 1128

Taking a brake dep. Arley 1218 arrive Bewdley 1230 and shunt

Light engine from Bewdley dep. 1345 Kidderminster arr. 1355

Taking 4 set M coaches ecs from Kidderminster dep. 1500 to Bridgnorth arr. 1612


October 24th, 26th 2016 - D9551 - Class 14

She undertook a test run on October 26th with three 'Toplight' carriages (for Traffic Notice and Working Timetables see Traffic Information). 

At Bridgnorth there is a lot of paintwork being undertaken (Severn Valley Railway Class 14 Diesel Facebook 'Closed' Group).

Image added to gallery October 26th.


October 17th 2016 - Western Locomotive Association updates

  • D1062 'Western Courier' moved to Kidderminster TMD on October 15th. She's covering the Ghost Trains on October 27th-29th, before winter maintenance in the TMD to change a liner. The planned bogie lift requires the functioning jacks, essential equipment for the work (as below with D821).

  • AGM will be held on November 12th 2016 at Swindon, details are on the website.

  • 'Seasons Greetings' Christmas Cards from the WLA featuring D1046 Western Marquis vice a Blue Pullman in January 1963 by Michael Mensing (Colour-Rail), £1.50p each. For more details go to


October 17th 2016 - D1015 'Western Champion' - Class 52

At Kidderminster TMD D1015's engine was removed with the overhead crane and it and the locomotive were given a pressure wash (Matt Robinson).


September 2016 - D821 'Greyhound' - Class 42

Michael Wells took this image of D821 at Old Oak Common. It is seen in a private location, please do not trespass. Used with permission.


Jonathan Webb, Editor of 'Today's Railways UK' magazine, advises that a future edition of the magazine will feature an article with information on how apprentices from GWR, the mainline TOC, are working on the locomotive as part of their training. 


The TMD at Kidderminster is to include functioning jacks, essential equipment for the work on D821. D821 may return to the SVR at some point in 2017, but not straight into service (Matt Robinson).

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