Encouraging SVR visitors to ‘give a little extra’
Page updated on: 03/08/17 at 22:42
August 3rd 2017 - Charitable Trust encouraging SVR visitors to ‘give a little extra’
The Railway is now asking people who make an online transaction, such as booking tickets or renewing Membership, whether they would like to donate to the Charitable Trust at the same time, and many choose to do so. Not only does this bring in more than £400 each month for the Trust, but it also gives us the chance to engage with a new group of people and tell them about the importance of funding the SVR’s long-term future. Together with the donation envelopes that TTIs (travelling ticket inspectors) distribute on the trains, and the collection pots we’ve placed around the Railway, we’re getting out the message that the SVR needs financial support above and beyond the price of travel tickets, to guarantee its long-term survival.
Shelagh Paterson Severn Valley Railway Charitable Trust
(From the SVR Charitable Trust's e-newsletter)
If you want to comment on this notice, email fundraising@svrtrust.org.uk, or call 01562 757940