Ex-GWR No. 39860 'Conflat' Container Wagon
Page updated on: 01/10/17 at 21:20

39860 removing kerb rails

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On the web
GWR 813 Preservation Fund http://www.gwr813.org/
GWR 813 Preservation Fund’s 39860 page http://www.gwr813.org/pagew70.html
Vintage Carriages Trust's 39860 page http://www.ws.vintagecarriagestrust.org/ws/WagonInfo.asp?Ref=7478
SVR Wiki's 39860 page http://www.svrwiki.com/GWR_39860_%27Conflat%27_Container_Wagon
National Preservation Forum wagons thread http://railways.national-preservation.com/threads/svr-wagons-2016.631598/page-5
Wagon Department https://svrwagons.wixsite.com/svrwagons
SVR Unofficial Forum wagons thread http://forum.svra.org.uk/viewtopic.php?t=3340&start=30
This GWR 813 Preservation Fund vehicle is Bewdley Carriage and Wagon’s outdoor project (October 2016). In preservation it carried container No 49408B, which belonged to SVR Wolverhampton branch. As far as they are aware, it was GWR in origin. Unfortunately, it burnt out in September 2013 in an apparent arson attack at Bewdley.
December 8th 2017
GWR Conflat 39860 has had most of its underframe painted with top coat.
The floor planks have been laid and, with no room to get a drill underneath, all marked with a pencil through the holes in the steelwork, then turned over and drilled from the underside. They are now bolted down and the short infill pieces for the chain lockers have been cut.
Two images added
G Phillips and K Moseley
October 1st 2017
GWR Conflat 39860 has had most of the chassis painted. Painting is focusing on the inside areas of the chassis before the floor planks are fitted. Image added.
The Conflat needs some attention to the brakes including building the Moreton clutch back up where this has worn. She also needs the floor replacing, and the buffers may also get changed to ones of the correct pattern.
SVR Wagons Facebook and National Preservation forum
August 13th 2017
GWR Conflat 39860 has had the holes for the chain lockers drilled in the curb rails and the lockers bolted on temporarily awaiting riveting.
Anyone know of any GWR 14" buffer casings for sale or swap? 39860 has currently got modern Oleo buffers fitted. We've got three LMS casings, the correct length and with the correct 4.25" bolt spacing, plus another unknown casing with a 10" bolt spacing. The LMS ones would bolt straight on, but we would still need a fourth, so we would prefer to have four GWR ones if possible.
Graham Phillips
August 6th 2017
Out in the yard, the chain pockets have gone back onto the Conflat, albeit just bolted in place at the moment with the need to drill a few holes in the new kerb rail. Hopefully this will be riveted back on soon. The brakes are also scheduled for repair.
National Preservation forum
August 2nd 2017
Work is awaiting some repairs to the brakes (a seemingly re-occurring theme at the moment). An image added shows primer being applied to the newly produced chain lockers.
National Preservation and Graham Phillips
June 18th 2017
Image added - welding a repair section in to one of the chain lockers on the Conflat.
Graham Phillips
June 4th 2017
Unfortunately, some work has been found to be needed on the brakes (a familiar story). The Department tested the vacuum brakes using a B.E.N. vacuum testing rig, with a single cylinder Villiers engine at one end and a two cylinder vacuum pump at the other. After working the cylinder up and down a few times, they finally got it to behave itself.
National Preservation thread
April 16th 2017
The wagon group cut the curb rails for a couple of weeks ago. They drilled some of the holes yesterday, then temporarily fitted them in place and painted the upper faces. Now they fit, they will be coming off again to paint the undersides. Two images added.
March 19th 2017
The Wagon Department now has a web site and a Facebook page which is visible to anyone.
This page will continue to be updated, but with more references to updates on the webpage rather than repeating the information here.
March 14th 2017
While we have had the electric glue out for the Toad van, work has started in welding patches into the out riggers for the chain pockets on the conflat, we will have to give some thought to producing the new kerb rails for this soon, possibly a job for the summer.
National Preservation forum.
November 19th 2016
Volunteers got to grips with the bent buffer beam. It was almost as good as new when they had finished. Image added to gallery
Kevin Moseley
October 31st 2016
Work has started repairing the supporting brackets on the outside of her, until the plasma cutter packed up, hopefully this can be fixed quickly. (Ian Hollis).
22nd 2016 - The group played host to the youngsters from the apprentice group, and they made good progress on priming and undercoating. (Kevin Moseley and Graham Phillips).
October 17th 2016 - the frames are slowly going green, as rust and old flaky paint are removed and the frames gain a coat of green primer (Ian Hollis).
October 11th 2016 – volunteers took advantage of fine weather and attacked the flaky old paint on the conflat (Ian Hollis).
October 3rd 2016 - The tops of the frames on the conflat have had a coat of "Red Lead"... it’s lead-free and green these days! The group will look at making the new kerb rails, probably a job for the very cold weather as apart from the cutting, two will be able to spend the day in the comparative warmth of the machine shop in front of the heater (Ian Hollis).
August 13th 2016 - volunteers made a start on removing the rusty curb rails (Graham Phillips).
The Junior Club did some preparation and priming during summer 2016.