13268 Ex-LMS Stanier Mogul
Page updated on: 25/02/18

A conversion to an 0-4-0, and it's hot work as riveting work begins.

A working party member grinding the heads of rivets securing the firebox steady bracket to its cross stretch, this latter to be replaced by new metal.

13268's new piston ring liners have arrived 14.10.16, via Stanier Mogul Fund

A conversion to an 0-4-0, and it's hot work as riveting work begins.
This locomotive is known by its LMS numbers 2968 and 13268 and the BR number it last carried in SVR service, 42968. The locomotive is undergoing overhaul at Bridgnorth with considerable support from the owning group, the Stanier Mogul Fund. The Fund's excellent website gives regular overhaul updates and images of the work on this page.
Ferbruary 25th 2018
An overhaul update was added to the website on February 22nd
November 14th, 22nd 2017
Thecab starts to take shape, and the tender receives finishing touches, see the latest overhaul update http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
October 9th 2017
As leaves begin to fall off the trees, more items go onto the Stanier Mogul, latest overhaul update at http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109 #mogul
September 14th 2017
It's all go! The tender nears completion and the locomotive progresses, the latest overhaul update at http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
July 26th 2017
The tender gets some loving care, the latest overhaul update here.. http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?p=1465 #staniermogul #intheworks
July 10th 2017
No summertime slacking for the Stanier Mogul. There has been a lot of progress over the last few months, with the entire dragbox and end few feet of the main frames replaced. The SMF's latest overhaul update here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?p=1444
June 19th 2017
Conversion to an 0-4-0, and its hot work as riveting work begins. The SMF's latest overhaul update here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
June 9th 2017
Black gloss has started going on the frames as the dragbox approaches the home straight. The SMF's latest overhaul update here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
May 28th 2017
With new rear frames, dragbox and rear buffer beam. It's all go! The latest overhaul update can be viewed at http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
March 30th 2017
The frames are in the limelight, getting some attention.. our latest overhaul update here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?p=1297
March 14th 2017
Drag box takes shape, lubrication system receives attention, pistons machined and boiler prepared for cutting. The latest overhaul update is here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109.
February 15th 2017
It's all systems go in the works at Bridgnorth. The latest overhaul update is here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109.
February 2nd 2017
The latest overhaul update is here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109.13268 is now in the charge of one of the overhaul gangs of SVR full-time staff and the work rate has increased dramatically.
January 17th 2017
It has been decided that the rear parts of the main frames need to be replaced with new material for the new drag box. The overhaul update is here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
January 9th 2017
Work is continuing in scraping the muck off the pony truck, photo by Amanda Hambidge added.
The Drag box work is coming along nicely, and there is no stopping the progress on our brake rigging. The overhaul update is here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
January 1st 2017 - Young Members' Scheme
Are you under 30? Have you ever considered becoming involved in the future care and maintenance of an 80-year-old ex-BR standard gauge steam locomotive? The Stanier Mogul Fund is delighted to introduce a new on-line Young Members' Scheme, designed to attract and encourage younger members of our steam preservation movement to look to the future and take an active role in the safeguarding of sole surviving LMSR ‘Stanier Mogul’ No 13268. More at http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=1119.
December 13th 2016
Much has happened to Stanier Mogul Fund's No. 13268 over the past few weeks, showing how much goes into overhauling steam locomotives. The pony truck has been removed, the cylinders rebored and new valve liners are about to be fitted. The cabsides have been removed during the last week. See it all on their website http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
December 5th 2016
The cab roof is now off and work continues on the drag box and cylinders. The overhaul update is here http://staniermogulfund.org.uk/?page_id=109
November 25th 2016
The latest SMF overhaul updates are now available by clicking on the above link and show the front truck is removed and work on cylinders commencing.
November 17th 2016
The latest SMF overhaul updates are now available by clicking on the above link and show fantastic progress in Bridgnorth shed and boilershop.
November 9th 2016
The latest overhaul updates are now available by clicking on the above link.
Of note, the tender is in the shed being prepared to act as an emergency water carrier along with the tender from 75069 and a tank wagon as the Bridgnorth Reverse Osmosis plant has failed so locos can only water at Kidderminster.
October 27th 2016
From the Stanier Mogul Fund Facebook page:
"Take a walk around our pride and joy, in this the first overhaul video update"
A sandbox is back on our loco and the dragbox work is assessed. The latest overhaul update is now available by clicking on the above link.
October 19th, 25th 2016
Boiler and mechanical work continues apace. The latest overhaul updates are now available by clicking on the above link.
October 14th 2016
The new piston ring liners have arrived (Stanier Mogul Fund on Twitter), now added to website (above link).
October 9th 2016
As the leaves fall off the trees, bits of the engine are going back on. A further overhaul update is now available by clicking on the above link.
September 15th 2016
Website update includes cleaning, degreasing and painting frames, drilling out rivets securing the hind buffer beam and the front tube plate, and drilling out stays from the firebox (above link).