4150 - Prairie Tank, Ex GWR
Page updated on: 17/03/18

Further progress on the buffers

Further progress on the buffers

That's the front of the tank there. They will need turning when they are lifted on 17/09/16

Further progress on the buffers
This page does not duplicate the excellent 4150 Fund website but covers other news from social media and elsewhere.
March 17th 2018
The web edition of the The 4150 Fund's 2018 Newsletter is now available.
Shareholders’ and Friends’ events Evening Social Special—Saturday 5th May 2018:
For the third year we intend to run an evening special train which has proved very popular and enjoyable. We include three fine old Great Western toplight coaches, and provide suitable liquid refreshments (thanks in part to our shareholders and supporters at Bewdley Brewery). Such has been the success of this pleasant and enjoyable evening that we are repeating it for the third year running. It will depart from Kidderminster at 7.25pm for a leisurely run up the valley with a short break at Bridgnorth for a visit to the Railwayman’s Arms, or for the more energetic a quick walk to and from the local chip shop. We will then run back to Kidderminster by 10.30 in time to make connections back to Stourbridge and to Birmingham. The cost of the tickets has been kept at £15 per head, there are 9 coaches so plenty of room for friends and family and their friends and family - all are welcome. Bookings and tickets can be obtained in the usual way from the team at the engine or email Dave McFall at davidmcfall@blueyonder.co.uk. Also from Dave Adams via the Erlestoke Manor fund shop at Bewdley.
November 18th 2017
Work has continued recently on the sandboxes. This entailed removal of the old very rusty brackets, bolting the box back on, aligning the new bracket, clamping it down to tack weld it. We then had to remove the sandbox to complete the welding. Then the box had to be refitted to mark where the holes had to be drilled. It was then removed again to do the final drilling.
An image has been added. After a very slow start (due to rain and working outside) the rear left sand box has had the new bracket welded on and drilled, just like the right hand one.
Si Beeston
November 5th 2017
Apologies for the late advice, but the Fund has an overhaul update on its website
With the cladding now virtually complete we'll soon be removing it all and the underlying crinolines for marking up, further painting and dry storage, which will also enable the boilersmiths to make a thorough assessment of the boiler and firebox. Our attention will then switch back to the frames, tanks and bunker for the winter.
October 22nd 2017
Rear buffers have been reassembled and refitted
Si Beeston
October 19th 2017
The last few days have been spent on trail fitting the front balance pipes, the 'elephants ears' and drilling the final holes for the rear balance pipes. The front balance pipes were badly bent, probably at Barry or trying to remove them off the old tanks. These pipes are copper so will have to be annealed to bend them back.
A Howard
October 9th 2017
Further progress made on the buffers, images added. Also, new steplates being fitted then a coat of paint.
T Howes
September 30th 2017
First buffer cleaned up ready for step to be fitted before rain stopped play outside. Image added
Initial centre holes drilled uphill into bunker through balance pipes using Anthony Howard’s jig. No pictures of that as we were all involved.
S Beeston
September 16th, 17th 2017
The last two Saturdays a few volunteers have struggled to get the bunker balance pipes in place and bolted up to the side tanks.
They are very heavy & have to be threaded sideways under the steps before standing up & winched into place.
The pilot holes for the bunker end can now be drilled upwards using Anthony Howard's jig.
As you can see from the images, it's all very tight in there.
Also, reinforcing rings for the side tank access holes are cleaned up and fitted ready for welding.
Si Beeston
August 25th 2017
At last all the boiler bands and cladding sheets have been fitted. They are now held in position with the boiler bands. The "Elephants ears" are the next to be fitted, then all to be removed in readiness for the boiler to go to Bridgnorth.
A new inside spasher was made for the center left hand driving wheel, a new one will have to be made for the right hand one, also new inside splashers for the leading driving wheels left and right.
Three images added
A Howard
The Fund has also added a restoration update on its website at http://www.4150.org.uk/news/4150_aug17.html
June 30th 2017
Two images added of work this week.
Si Beeston
4150 Fund Evening Steam Tour - Saturday May 27th May
Departs Kidderminster 6.30pm, pick up at Bewdley.
The Fund has arranged a steam hauled trip with historic GWR toplight coaches. There will be plenty of time to visit the Railwayman's arms at Bridgnorth. With a return time for connections to the main line. So if you fancy a leisurely evening trip please join us. Tickets available from staff at 4150 in Bewdley yard or davidmcfall@blueyonder.co.uk or visit Dave Adams at the EMF shop. All profits to 4150, Tickets £15 per head
(4150 Fund website)
April 24th 2017
On April 22nd the Fund worked on the boiler cladding. The strips between the crinolines were trial fitted, marked, drilled & tapped then re fitted.
One of the cladding sheets was hoisted up onto the crinolines, marked, cut with the plasma cutter then offered up again. More measurements were taken and a little more taken off in a few places. It doesn't sound much, but it all takes a lot of time.
Si Beeston
April 16th 2017
Since the boiler was lifted out of the frames, work has continued on the crinolines. The firebox crinolines had the rust removed and a coat of paint, then fixed to the firebox so the cladding could be fitted. The crinolines on the boiler was also fitted and painting will be done over the next couple of weeks. The 'elephants ears' that cover the top corners of the firebox are being manufactured off site and are at an advanced stage.
The bunker was manouvered so most of the holding down bolts lined up with the holes in the frames and were bolted down. Just a few had to be filed out to fit. The same was done with the water tanks.
Anthony Howard
March 29th 2017
The boiler has been lifted off and put on GWR Chaired Sleeper wagon 40554. With the aid of a road crane from Stourport Crane Hire, the side tanks and coal bunker of No. 4150 were trial-fitted to the frames. The side tanks were then removed to enable the lifting of the boiler from the frames. Once removed, the boiler was moved onto the well wagon, following which the side tanks were re-affixed to the frames, and the cab roof fitted. 4150 was put back in its tent. The boiler will be taken to Bridgnorth later in the year while the Fund will continue working in the rest at Bewdley. Before and after images from Colin Harsley and Gareth Price.
March 25th 2017
The last two weeks have been spent working on the crinolines for the boiler cladding. A clamp was codged up out of pieces of scap pieces metal to keep the reversing lever in mid gear when the loco is moved. Today was spent preparing the loco for the move. All the cladding sheets were removed and the crinolines were marked for position and also removed. The metal cab floor was removed and the vacuum reservoir was taken out and the vacuum cylinder was unbolted in readiness for removal when the boiler is taken out. Some of the scaffold that was around the loco has been taken down.
Anthony Howard
February 24th 2017
A few things done today that needed doing before 'the lift'. A rough bit of the cab roof was cut out, and a new bit cut to size and rolled to profile then welded in. Handrails by cab door were fitted to the tanks. Steel was marked out and cut for awkward cladding corners on the fire box.
Si Beeston
Also, see their 2017 Newsletter - web edition
January 29th 2017
In November 2016 the 4150 Fund received confirmation that 4150 has a slot in the Bridgnorth Boiler Shop in the last quarter of 2017. It is planned to lift the boiler onto a wagon in late March 2017 for preparation work to begin, with a decision to be taken in April 2017 whether this will be carried out at Bewdley or Bridgnorth. It is also planned to lift the newly fabricated tanks and bunker, plus the cab roof, onto the frames at the same time (SVR Wiki).
January 17th 2017
A couple of belated updates.
The right hand tank is finished apart from fitting the top plate which the lifting eye is attached. Next step is to rivet the outside plates which hopefully will be done by the end of March. Anthony Howard, via Facebook.
Read the Fund's December 2016 Restoration update
October 2016
October 31st - Last Saturday was spent prepping more bits for the bunker.
The breather pipe was cleaned up & undercoated.
Seat bases repaired, with new pivots welded in.
Lamp brackets found out & positions marked.
The plate for the new cab doors was put through the rollers to remove the slight bend. A piece of tube was found, cut to length & a slit cut down its length to fit over the top of the door.
Image added to the gallery.
October 9th - Seat brackets have been cleaned up and coal plate sheets (10mm) ground off at the edges for welding & holes countersunk ready for plug welding
(Simon Beeston on Facebook).
September 2016
September 30th - read the Fund's September 2016 Restoration update
September 25th - The 4150 Fund were hoping to move the locomotive from Bewdley to Bridgnorth to tie in with the "big shunt" that was planned for Bewdley this month (see below). 4150’s new home at Bridgnorth is not quite ready, so the move has apparently been postponed until a date to be determined in Spring 2017 (Info. from Warwickshire Industrial Locomotive Trust and Bewdley volunteers).
September 17th - these are a few images from September 2016 showing preparatory work prior to the 'big shunt' planned for September 29th. When it is shunted out of its corner, there will be a crane on hire to lift the water tanks, bunker and roof on so it can all be towed up to Bridgnorth by rail in one piece. Once there, the tanks will be lifted off again and the inner sides removed to allow the outer sides to be riveted. The inner sides, baffles and any other parts not on show will then be welded.