Sharp Stewart 4085 'Dunrobin'
Page updated on: 12/02/18

Cracks to the wheel centres - requiring new wheels

Dunrobin’s smokebox and one of the ‘picnic’ lockers have arrived at Beamish. Photo: Beamish

Cracks to the wheel centres - requiring new wheels
On the Web
SVR Wiki http://www.svrwiki.com/Sharp_Stewart_0-4-4T_Dunrobin
Beamish Transport Online http://beamishtransportonline.co.uk/
This locomotive was the Duke of Sutherland's private locomotive, and used to work on the Highland Railway, being based in its own shed at Dunrobin Castle.
In May 2011 SVR Contract Engineering at Bridgnorth made arrangements with Beamish Museum to undertake the preliminary survey on the locomotive 'Dunrobin' on its return to the United Kingdom from its former home at Fort Steele in Canada. The locomotive arrived at the SVR direct from the docks at Liverpool, where on arrival at the SVR workshops at Bridgnorth, the loco was be stripped down to assess the requirements to return the 1895-built locomotive to steam.
February 12th 2018
Beamish Transport Online has posted an extensive report on the overhaul, which can be found in their T&I News 3 2018. The main item is the testing of the wheel centres revealing many cracked spokes, and the decision to replace all four coupled wheels.
August 8th 2017
Beamish Transport Online has posted an extensive report on the overhaul as at July 21st 2017, which can be found in their T&I News 15 2017.
February 28th 2017
Beamish Transport Online has posted an extensive report on the overhaul.
"We have a target date in mind, though will not be publicising this as inevitably such things do slip – however ‘sometime’ in 2018 is the plan for it to arrive at Beamish."
(Beamish Transport Online Out on the Road, February 20th 2017)
December 27th 2016
Beamish Transport Online has posted an end of year report on the overhaul.
"We hope to see Dunrobin make significant progress and have been directly managing some aspects of this project to try and speed its completion up as we need to reduce our reliance on hired motive power at Rowley, which is also a fairly substantial cost."
(Beamish Transport Online T&I News 2016 Review of the Year December 23rd 2016)
November 11th 2016
Beamish Transport Online has posted an update on the overhaul. Dunrobin’s smokebox and one of the ‘picnic’ lockers have arrived at Beamish – a new smokebox will be procured directly by them, along with side tanks (already on order) and other items in order to assist in accelerating the rate of progress on the project. Most of the boiler fittings have also been via Beamish for onward dispatch to contractors for overhaul or renewal as required, before return to the Severn Valley Railway in readiness for fitting in due course.
(Beamish Transport Online T&I News Week 41 2016 8 November 2016)