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End of year thank you and round-up

Page updated on: 22/12/17 at 17:26

December 22nd 2017

I write this in the knowledge that there is still Santa Services to deliver, Santa infrastructure to pack away and a festive season to run, Christmas Day may still seem a little way off to some. However, as we draw closer to Christmas proper I wanted to send a short note to express my deep-felt gratitude to all staff for all you have done in 2017. All those events delivered (or nearly in the case of Santa!), all those operational turns covered, gardens kept looking lovely, stations painted, rosters filled, volunteers inducted, coffees sold, locos (including boilers), diesels, carriages and wagons repaired and cleaned, vegetation removed from structures, track monitored and repacked, signalling, telecoms and IT equipment maintained, wedding ceremonies held, Traffic Notices issued and funding raised. The list is certainly not exhaustive but gives an indication of what a wide range of activities make up the whole, so please consider yourself included if you feel I have missed you out! The SVR family deserves a super Christmas and even better New Year. Best wishes to you and your families.

Nick Ralls General Manager


December 23rd 2016

Dear all,

2016 has only a few days remaining, with one day of Santa operation to go. It is always good to cast an eye back over the last twelve months to remember the highlights of 2016 before we all look forward to the New Year.

The events programme this year has been very, very, busy, from Peppa Pig, 1940’s, Spring Diesel Festival, Home and Garden Fair, Classic Vehicle Day, On the Buses, Peep Behind the Scenes, two Galas, and of course Pacific Power and the SVRCT VIP Flying Scotsman Day. Whilst events have been very well attended, the call on working members has been too much this year.

2016 saw the successful opening of the Diesel Depot, achievement of Planning Permission for the Bridgnorth Station Masterplan and importantly the beginning of work on site laying the slab for the new Refreshment Room. The Bridgnorth Building for the Future Share Offer has been launched to fund Phase I and II of the project and has passed the 650,000 shares sold.

We also at the end of the year won awards! Arley Station has won the National Railway Heritage Stagecoach Volunteers Award with Bewdley Station Canopy coming Highly Commended for the restoration of its platform canopy in the Great Western Railway Craft Skills Award. Right at the end of the year Rail Express and the Heritage Railway Association awarded the Diesel Depot the Modern Traction Award. That’s a good number of accolades in the same year, well done to all those involved in these projects.

Whilst the accounts for the year will not be finalised until February 2017, the November 2016 results were positive, with sales ahead by £82,000 against forecast. Passenger numbers at the end of November were 4,500 ahead of the same time last year.

It has been a year of success but tempered with the over commitment of working members who have supported the operation of the Railway so valiantly over the last twelve months.

There is a Q&A session at The Engine House on the 25th February to review 2016 and look forward to 2017.

On behalf of all Directors may I thank you very much for all of your support in 2016 and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Nick Ralls General Manager

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