5043 Collett third - Restoration
Page updated on: 02/07/2018

Mike Cranmore's 3D model

On the Web
GWR Wheelchair Buffet Car page on the LNER Fund's website http://www.lnersvrcoachfund.org.uk/gwr5043.html
Who to contact about this story
Richard Gunning
This is the LNER Fund's next project. The Fund's excellent website gives regular updates and images of the work on this page. Volunteers also add reports from time to time on social media.
The vehicle has an interesting preservation history with ownership by the 2857 Society, GW(SVR)A and now SVR(H). The plan is to have saloon accommodation for disabled passengers and their companions at one end and an accessible buffet counter at the other. Much more information is on the GWR 5043 Full Third on SVR Wiki.
July 2nd 2018
Mid May to mid June were fully occupied in glazing and finishing off our first quarter of the "new 5043". This section included the bow end and the section of side that will form the back wall of the bar and the side corridor that will run from the centre entrance, past the (future) accessible WC, to the bar. The next step was to be the opposite side, i.e. the public side of the bar, and the side of the WC itself. To allow this work to happen, 5043 needed turning, and on Wednesday 13th June it was taken to Kidderminster, turned and returned to its working platform in Bewdley Down Yard. By the last day of June, over half the old (green) side had been removed (after supporting the roof!) and about 14' of new framing was secured in place together with a side door. Ironically this construction work was carried out in a heatwave, a contrast to the other side, the framing of which was completed on 17th March during a snowstorm! Over the next few weeks its hoped to complete the frame of this half side, panel it inside and out and add the glazing before the autumn when we intend to start the repair the roof framing.
Richard Gunning
May 16th 2018
Since mid-March the group has made and fitted the galvanised exterior panels to the new half-side framing, repaired the existing south end frame and panelled that as well. A new corner post was required (a complicated shape on these GWR Bow Enders), and a Group member made one from second hand 'sapele' that we had in stock. Overhaul of the toplight frames continued, and these are now being fitted permanently. New main window frames are needed, and these are under construction. Meanwhile inside, the areas behind the bar which will need shelving have been boarded with tongue and grove redwood planks. Once the glass has been delivered, this section of 5043 will be glazed, allowing the Group to start all over again with the opposite side of the carriage!
(Above photos courtesy of the LNER Carriage Group)
March 17th 2018
A cold and snowy St Patrick's Day saw the culmination of another month's work by the 5043 team when a further 14ft of side framing was fitted to the carriage. Like the previous sections it had previously been assembled by our carpenters in the Group's workshop from a batch of components made by a contractor. Meanwhile 5043 was prepared to recieve the new section. This work began with clearing the "clutter" and internal paneling from inside the area of the new framing, removing the galvanised steel panels from outside plus guters, lower roof panels, doors and windows. Finally the roof was firmly supported with Acrow props before the extremely fragile original side framing was removed for recycling. Reassembly began by fitting a new cantrail, which forms the joint between roof and side. Then the bottomside, a large longitudinal timber beam bolted to the underframe that forms the bottom of the side, was trimmed to accept the new side frame. Finally, in an operation that occupied, for a day, a large gang of LNER Group members supplemented with further volunteers from the 2857 Society and the GW(SVR)A dismantled the new side section, transferred it from the workshop to 5043, trimmed it to fit correctly and reassembled it in place on the carriage, securing it with woodscrews, sealent and large stainless steel bolts. Corner brackets and a few smaller components are still to be fitted.
Almost as an aside, over the past month corner brackets have been fitted to the previous section which has been protected with 3 coats of Danish Oil. Also the first external door has been hung on all 3 hinges and fitted with a working GWR slam lock. Finally a start has been made on the tounge and groove infil that eventually will back the internal wall cladding.
Some photos, by members of the LNER Carriage Group, are added to the gallery.
Richard Gunning
February 27th 2018
An update has been posted on the website of the former owners, the GW(SVR)A, showing the LNER coach fund volunteers are making good progress on the new framework in its conversion into a buffet coach with wheelchair access.
Mick Haynes
February 18th 2018
n the past 4 weeks a further 11' long section of new sideframe has been assembled and permanently fitted, in two stages to 5043. Firstly the new framework was assembled in our workshop to ensure it fitted correctly. It was then dismantled, and a short section of it was added to the carriage to complete the door frame and add strength. The side door was clamped in position to check the fit. Then the carriage roof was securely supported with an Acro prop whilst the old, somewhat rotten cantrail was removed and replaced with a new one, supported at both ends. The remaining length of side was assembled in position with sealent in the joints, glue, screws and 12mm stainless steel bolts through the bottomside to ensure that the completed assembly is as strong as its ever been. It was also bolted to the carriage end, and the required number of steel corner brackets added to ensure stability. This section of side forms the bar wall. Finally, work to fit the side door has begun, with the door supported on the top and bottom hinges with the middle one still to add, before tackling the tedious process of adding locks and making it all work properly.
A selection of photos added to the gallery, all taken by members of the LNER Carriage Group.
Richard Gunning
January 13th 2018
At last we have made some visible progress on refurbishing the structure of 5043. The Accessible Buffet requires a short section of sideframe from each corner to a side door. Today we fitted this section. Of course its never that simple, the sideframe was assembled over Christmas from parts made in Newent by our contractor. Patch repairs to the corner post made that part of the end fit for further service, but a short section of the underframe was rotten, requiring new steel welding in. Above that about 4' of the large timber bottomside was also rotten and had to be replaced using hardwood recovered from store in a medieval barn. This had to be shaped to accept the bottom of the side door, whilst a section of the cantrail, (which joins the top of the side to the roof) was replaced. Finally the old side, which incorporated a toilet window, was removed and the new lifted and secured into position. There will be much more of this before 5043 is finished. Photos added which illustrate the process.
Richard Gunning
December 27th 2017
A more cheerful C&W update for you.
Work on 5043 continues, unsurprisingly mostly on jobs that can be done indoors. A batch of body frame posts was delivered shortly before Christmas, and the first short section (to fit between a corner and a door) has been assembled ready to fit when the weather improves"
Richard Gunning
November 29th 2017
Steel panels and interior cladding have been stripped from the South West corner in preparation for the rebuilding work. The end framing is to be retained, but the corner post needs the usual new ends and patch repairs. The door from here is good enough to be reused once components have been repaired or replaced and the joints squared and made secure.
A set of new hardwood framed droplights is under construction, and the aluminium quarterlight/sliding shutter assemblies, obtained from our good friends at Llangollen, are being painstakingly refurbished and rebuilt to make them fit for another 50 year's service.
Meanwhile the underframe is gradually being stripped of old paint, rust and detritus before painting. This shews up any areas needing further attention as well as greatly reducing the rate of deterioration.
Our contract carpenter from Newent visited a few days ago to make final checks of his template against the existing carriage. All was well and He expects to start delivering the posts (ie the vertical frame components) very shortly to enable the rebuild proper to commence.
Some photos taken in this afternoon's gloom have been added to the gallery.
R Gunning
November 7th 2017
Bewdley yard was shunted today and as part of this, 5043 was moved into position for restoration to commence. As this will allow restoration work to start on the body structure, we feel that this would be a good time for an "Official Start" to the project, although a considerable amount of preliminary work has already been done, mainly on design, sourcing components, doors, windows and underframe painting. The photo shews the car park side of 5043 in its current livery of primer, mould and moss.
Some new components were delivered to Bewdley yesterday. These were the new utile' stringer, cantrail and bottomside facing sections in 14' lengths. The attached photo gives an idea of the quantity. Some shaped posts will shortly be delivered to allow reconstruction work to begin. Photos (and model) by M Cranmore.
R Gunning
![]() Panel Fitting | ![]() Repaired south end with new panels 12th May |
![]() First quarter side with panels and toplights 12th March | ![]() T&G boards behind bar |